The #1 Reason Students Choose Our School:
“I want to help people and I want to be a healer. I heard you’re the best.“

Program Details
750 Hour Massage Therapy Program, Full Time & Part Time
Authorized by Alaska State Postsecondary Education
Our Signature Massage Therapy Courses Include:
- Orientation, 3 hours
- 5-Elements, 51 hours
- Swedish Massage, 171 hours
- BioScience, 126 hours
- Chair Massage, 21 hours
- Ethics & Business, 24 hours
- Pathology East & West, 99 hours
- Tai Chi Body Mechanics, 30 hours
- Thai Massage, 30 hours
- Tuina Medical Acupressure, 30 hours
- Medical QiGong Energy Healing, 30 hours
- Student Clinic, 135 hours
Our course catalog, application kit and registration forms are online for your convenience.
Program Schedules :
Full-Time: 9 Months (Days): Mon, Tue, Wed 9:00a -4:00p with 1-hour lunch
Part-Time: 36 Months: Take up to 3 years to complete all classes
Our Values

Program Educational Objectives
- Graduates will be competent and effective in providing a safe massage with the ability to modify a massage for the comfort and safety of the client. Massage styles studied include one or more of the following: Swedish, Five Element Acupressure, Tui Na Medical Massage, Thai Yoga Massage.
- Graduates will be competent and knowledgeable in their ability to research and obtain information concerning health care from a conventional medicine point of view, and from an Oriental medicine perspective.
- Graduates will have the ability to communicate in an appropriate and professional manner with their clients and also with other health care providers when providing and accepting referrals.
- Graduates will have the knowledge and ability to uphold the ethical standards expected from a health care professional according to local, state, and federal laws.
- Graduates will know how to establish and maintain their own Massage Therapy private practice, and will know how to submit an appropriate resume to join another established practice.
What Our Students Have Said…
“I have been very satisfied with this program and feel that it was well worth the tuition cost. The instructors are wonderful and introduced me to things about myself that I didn’t even know were possible.”
“Energy Healing in the Little Shaolin (Student) Clinic was my favorite experience. It was one of the most validating experiences of my life.”
“The best subject I truly loved was QiGong. Throughout the program every instructor knew the meaning behind the movements. Overall I felt this program was meaningful to my life. I will no longer allow my mind to overcome my actions in a negative way. Thank you for the peace of mind I was looking for.
“I am extremely glad I took the program.”
“I loved it. Everything about it. I’m very glad I made the choice to go to Alaska Institute!”
“Yes, I would recommend this program to others interested Massage Therapy, and I have recommended it many times! I had a very positive experience here.”
“The massage techniques we learned were very well presented. I really enjoyed the Oriental medicine and pathology because I learned about the 5-Elements, meridians, acupressure, and how qi flows through the human body. Also how massage can help people.”
“I loved learning the different patterns to treat specific problems/pain. The Sciatica pattern, knee pain treatment, 64-point acupressure, and the Bladder Meridian Opening Pattern…. Those are the things I feel will set us apart (and above) from other massage therapy programs.”
“3 years ago I felt like a broken mess. One of my instructors made me feel so strong. I can’t believe how much I’ve changed!”
“I am 100% satisfied. Alaska Institute has an amazing program that I recommend to others and will continue to do so. Thank you for existing.”
“I am very satisfied with the program. It was everything I was looking for and more.”
“I loved student clinic because I got to get over my fear of touching people and I learned that I genuinely want to make others feel good.”
“The instructors were very professional and always able to answer my questions or direct me to where I could get the answer. The instructors made the program marvelous, I also enjoyed the diversity of instructor styles.”
“Thanks for supporting me as I begin my new career. You are already doing so much with the alumni website link which is great, and having the opportunity to come back and ask questions anytime.”